Fellow Ontarians:
Over the last three decades all the three mainstream parties, the NDP, the Liberals, and the Conservatives, have formed a variety of governments; however, Ontarians have been wondering why their lives and livelihoods are going from bad to worse, day after day. Why are the behaviours and actions – or lack thereof – of these three mainstream parties similar to small groups of thugs, gas lighting the taxpaying citizens?
Ontarians must end their frustration with the political parties who have formed governments that have been deceitful, poor with their communications, poor with their follow-ups, and slow to respond when they were needed.
Although taking advantage of Ontarians by their elected parties is not something new, it has been more palpable during the last two years, where the Ontario provincial government has imposed extreme restrictions on Ontarians’ personal liberties, restricting their freedom of mobility, under the pretext of “Health, Safety, and Saving Lives”.
The events of the last two years have demonstrated that the actions of our elected representatives, who were supposed to represent their constituencies and their constituents, have done nothing but lick the boots of a few elite industrialists and technocrats.
Even though the citizens and taxpayers foot the bill for the Members of Parliament (MPPs) out of control and useless spending, these career politicians have the nerve to bow down to unelected shady characters, disregarding the welfare of the very populace who have voted them in office.
After all, the seats in the Legislative Assembly belong to you, and your vote is your contractual consent to send someone to Queen’s Park to represent you, and protect your interests. Therefore, you have the right to remove those MPPs who have breached their part of this contract, deceived and betrayed you by breaking their promises.
Time is of the essence! You have the ability to boot these unqualified, incompetent, corrupt, and crooked gangsters out of office, breaking this vicious circle that has been in the hands of the gang of three, and changing the balance of power.
There is a big difference between following an ideology blindly with its possible toxicity and pursuing an ideal. The CCP is a unique party, designed for independents, advocating individualism. The CCP is NOT based on left or right ideologies; our candidates don’t answer to party leaders, non-elected industrialists, union bosses, or special groups; they only answer to their electorate.
57% of eligible voters refrained from voting during the June 2022 election for a variety of reasons. I do sympathize with the Non-Voters and understand why they don’t want to bother to vote; however, they can play a pivotal role in this election, by showing up and voting for independents or candidates from smaller parties, who are mainly part of the suffering population and are neither career politicians nor members of the aristocratic oligarchy.
This province needs new blood.
Canadians need a fresh breed of representatives.
We promote a form of democracy where...
Break the Chain!
Canadian voters, as well as nonvoters, are the only ones who can free citizens from the vicious cycle established by the Gang of Three, that have been stifling the taxpayers for half a century.
Your Contribution makes a difference!
Contribution to small parties and Independents is a much cheaper way to keep our freedom and the democracy that we are all proud of alive and intact, than spending billions of dollars fighting for it abroad! Unlike the mainstream parties that possess the luxury of having huge capital, and army of volunteers to run campaigns for them, the most important resources small parties and Independents have are their conviction, knowledge, experience and the support of their families, friends, and communities.
Please consider donating the maximum they allow you per year and help us bring real democracy back to Ontario. We are committed to helping Ontarians realize their goal, and we need Ontarians to maximize our ability to achieve it.
If you wish to mail your donation to us, send your cheque or money order,
payable to the Canadians' Choice Party, to: 1-927 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4J 1L8
Make A Tax Deductible Donation.
The donors must meet the criteria of being resident of Ontario. The definition of resident of Ontario is as acceptable by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Not all citizens living outside of Ontario are eligible contributors in Ontario. They can refer to CRA’s conditions for meeting the residency requirement.
Starting January 1, 2017, Corporations, businesses, and trade unions are not allowed to contribute. The individual contribution limit is as follows:
Time Frame |
To a Candidate |
To a Provincial Party |
To a Constituency Association |
During a year (Annual Limit) |
Not permitted ($0) |
$3,400 |
$3,400 |
During an Election (Campaign Period) |
$3,400 |
No extra amount over the annual limit |
No extra amount over the annual limit |
Revenue Canada allows up to a 75% tax credit on your Personal Income Tax Return, for donations to a registered political party in Ontario. Here are Revenue Canada's sliding-scale tax credits:
Contribution Amount |
Corresponding Tax Credit |
Maximum Credit |
Up to $500.05 |
75% of contribution |
$375.00 |
$500.06 to $1,666.82 |
$375 plus 50% of contribution exceeding $500.05 |
$875.02 |
$1,666.82 to $3,400 |
$875.02, plus 33.33% of contribution exceeding $1,666.82 |
$1,536.09 |
To obtain the maximum tax credit of $1,666.82, you need to contribute a total amount of $3,400.
Dear Non-Voters:
I understand that you choose not to vote for one or more of the following reasons:
- You believe that voting is a waste of your valuable time.
- You feel that you don’t want to be responsible for the MP’s wrongdoings.
- You don’t see any useful outcome as a result of your participation.
- You dislike, to varying degrees, the way politicians behave, and you feel they treat you unfairly.
- You have no hope for a better future either for yourself or your children.
- You see the election process as a total waste of tax payers' money.
- You pride yourself on your decisions and decide not to waste your vote.
- You are sick and tired of unfounded promises that are given to you at election time.
For all the above reasons this is the time to exercise your right and get inspired. There are other alternatives; vote, and vote for anyone but the mainstream parties and their candidates.
Besides the three mainstream parties, there are another 22 registered political parties in Ontario, as well as a number of independent candidates during elections. Unfortunately, the mainstream media does not inform the voters about the choices available to them. Sadly, the misinformed electorate treats the election as a horse race, trying to bet on the winning horse among the gang of three; hence, they neglect their own welfare.
Canadians' Choice Party is a constituency-based party and it is not an ideology-based party;
hence, the registered Constituency Associations and their candidates may or may not agree with part or all the views of the Party and/or each other,
and they are not responsible for the opinions and actions expressed by the other Candidates, Constituency Associations and/or the Party.
The Canadians Choice Party (CCP), a constituency-based and a registered political party in Ontario since 2011, plans to be registered federally and needs 250 declarations from eligible voters in Canada to be submitted as part of the application to Elections Canada. To help us register the CCP, we invite you and/or anyone you know who might be interested in joining our party. There is no charge.
Please click on the image at the beginning of this paragraph, print a simple one-page form, sign "Type 1" under "Section N", complete "Section O", and send it to us by mail to:
1-927 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4J 1L8
Don't like "the gang of three"? Here is your chance to run as a candidate!
Independent thinkers, politically savvy activist, and doers, who are passionate to remove an aggressive and untrustworthy Liberal government in Ontario, are invited to run as candidates in the 124 Electoral Districts across Ontario, in the next General Election on February 27, 2025.
The process is easier than one might think. Please click on the image at the beginning of this paragraph; print, review, initial all pages, sign, and E-mail the Candidate Memorandum of Understandingto us along with your complete contact information.
Then you will complete a Candidate Nomination (F0400) form to be sent to Elections Ontario for approval.
Run As A Candidate
We promote a form of democracy where
elected MPPs work for their constituents
and NOT for the Party Leader.
As such, the Canadians' Choice Party is a natural for Independents who, by definition, are not beholden to Party Leaders and rigid "top down" party policies, and are the only ones who by definition work for the voters and not for the established parties.
Democracy has been hijacked by the power of market forces, and as a result talented individuals who are willing to move our society forward are constantly neglected by the media. The Canadians' Choice Party invites independent-thinking candidates from each of Ontario's 124 ridings to join this party and run as candidates for their ridings in upcoming elections.
Ontarians need fresh breed of representatives! This is a good opportunity to gather together under one umbrella, and enable each other to serve and accommodate constituents with true and direct representation, without being subject to hidden Party agendas. This is not just another political party; it is a chain free grassroots movement!
Let's focus on what people want:
- someone who doesn't have any attachment to any interest group.
- a local person to work within the community on the issues that affect local people.
- a supporter of small and medium sized, locally-owned businesses, to keep the community's wealth circulating within the community.
- someone to push for tax breaks and support for local businesses, in order create employment locally and promote greater self-reliance.
- to take back your democracy and you want an MP who works for you and doesn't have to answer to anybody but you.
- your MP to stand where you stand, and not to offer and follow his or her own agenda.
- a person of action to ensure you are represented properly in the parliament of Canada.
- a person whose vote counts in Queen's Park and can get you more leverage to do things locally, without being at the mercy of the party leader to pass a bill.
Independents have three choices: continue solo, join main stream political parties, or be part of a bottom-up political party where they can get help by sharing common resources. Canadians' Choice Party is an alternative that caters the latter group; a medium to help them constructively share their ideas, thoughts, challenges, and solutions to the issues that matter to their ridings, in order to maximize their effectiveness at election time.
Become A Volunteer
Participation of individuals like you in the democratic process makes us, Canadians, who we are.
Although we might have a difference of opinion in certain areas, we are certain that all of us agree that our tax money is being wasted by the present regime in Ontario. We need your personal contribution to help the campaign of removing present corrupt government from the power move forward.
Some of the areas that your help can change the direction of the province:
Answering inquiries, Calling constituents, Canvassing riding, Distributing information, Working in an Office, Bookkeeping, Installing signage, supervising a crew, Programming and marinating computers, participating and managing the social media, etc.
The time is now to step up and claim your ownership of your seat in the parliament. Your help is needed to take on useless politicians, the party policy makers, union bosses, special interest groups, and unelected corporate advisors that are dedicated to their own pockets, instead of the public interest.
Make A Suggestion
In a celebrity-oriented society such as ours,
identities of those who are genuinely concerned about the welfare of society are seldom revealed.
The true freedom seekers are never given the chance to present themselves, let alone to serve their citizens.
Canadians' Choice Party is the place to be for true freedom seekers, who are willing to communicate important issues in advance, harvesting a beneficial result and laying out a blueprint for practical solutions, policies, and action plans for a better government to work with and for people.
There is a lot of work to be done, when it comes to the issues that are important to Ontarians, whose needs and views vary from region to region. The way this is being done with a group of citizens without losing interest, and their independence, is that we pay attention to all "issue" enquiries by Ontarians by providing an environment for the people to ultimately decide on the solutions.
Cast Your Vote
Every vote counts.
Ontario's political landscape is constantly changing
due to its diverse population.
8 Myths About Non-Voters!
- Voting is a waste of my valuable time!
- The election process is a total waste of tax-payers' money!
- I don't see any useful outcome as a result of my participation!
- There is no hope for a better future either for myself or my children!
- I don't want to be responsible for the wrongdoings of the elected members!
- I am sick and tired of unfounded promises that are given to me at election time!
- I dislike or even in some cases hate the way politicians behave and feel they treat me unfairly.
Constituents of a riding, and their elected Member of Provincial Parliament, understand their own issues better than everybody else. However, we have witnessed that, for candidates from the mainstream political Parties, the policies of their Party trump the interests of their electorate after they are elected.
But ultimately, the voters, the people who pay for everything through their hard work and taxes, have the final say. If you want someone who:
- will represent whatever you believe and never say it's not quite as possible as your government dictates;
- always willing to fight for you, at any time, for as long as and wherever you want;
- will never obey a party leader, doesn't care about cheap politics, and can stand next to you as you move on;
- is content to get your vote just to protect your interests and whom you can recall if the job isn't done;
- never criticizes what you do, doesn't discriminate, who listens to every worthy word you say, and defends your rights unconditionally, persistently, consistently.
Exercise your right and get inspired. Then cast your vote for a candidate who works for you and your interests. Elect a candidate who is part of the suffering population and is neither a career politician nor a member of the aristocratic oligarchy.
Independent thinkers, politically savvy activist, and doers, who are passionate to remove an aggressive and untrustworthy Liberal government in Ontario, are invited to become presidents of Constituency Associations across the province, and manage local grassroots movements in order to be ready for the next General Election.
The process is easier than one might think. Please click on the image at the beginning of this paragraph; print, review, initial all pages, sign, and E-mail the Memorandum of Understanding to us along with your complete contact information.
Then you will sign an A-1 Constituency Association Registration form to be sent to Elections Ontario for approval. At the present the Leader of the party assumes the role of CFO for those applicants who have difficulty to find one (some conditions apply), and utilizes the party's auditor to expedite the process.
Manage A Constituency Association
Let's Talk!
- To form an alliance of like-minded people, and groups, large enough to exert irresistible pressure on an out-of-control, Ontario government. The express goal of the alliance is to bring about responsible, legislative change in all areas, including electrical power production and distribution, by using the weight and resources of large numbers.
- To build a grassroots foundation, utilizing Social Media advocates to communicate primarily with rural residents-but not to the exclusion of supporting urban populations.
- To inform and educate people about their property rights and common rights, and how to leverage their influence using the legal process and modern technology.
- To engage, train, and support community leaders who will recruit memberships from their local populations.
- To resist and stop the current, oppressive regime from violating the rights and freedoms of the individual.
- To revive whatever is left of the right to free speech and stop the advancement of the far left agenda.
- To gather massive numbers of people who, in a concerted effort, can exert irresistible demands for transparency and accountability upon the government.
By utilizing tools available under the law for the registered Constituency Associations with Elections Ontario, a local association can:
- Collect donations to help them to offset the expenses needed to bring real democracy back to Ontario. Donors will take advantage of a tax credit, up to 75% on the first $400 from the Revenue Canada.
- Nominate an individual to run as a candidate for the party. That candidate can engage in the local debates to address issues and disseminate pertinent information to the public. Often, mainstream party candidates will not discuss issues that would expose the failings of their respective parties.
- Recruit volunteers to help in expanding and expediting awareness within the respective riding.
- Take advantage of media exposure where it is available.
- Enjoy the freedom of independence while receiving central support from the Party's headquarters when it needs help in regards to the rules and policies pertaining to the Elections Act and the Elections Finance Act of Ontario, administration, training, etc.
The Canadians' Choice Party operates as a 'bottom-up' organizational structure. This approach has a significant competitive advantage over other parties-fringe and mainstream-and it provides complete freedom to attract wide support, including special interest groups.
Those who are willing to help with setting up Constituency Associations across Ontario are invited to pursue matters and concerns that are relevant to the respective ridings.
The aim is to register 124 (after the recent redistribution of the riding maps) Constituency Associations in time for the next general election.