The name of the Party is the "Canadians' Choice Party".
In forming its policy, the Party is founded on and will be guided by the following principles:
- inspire Ontarians with optimism.
- represent the electorate genuinely.
- make a positive difference.
The core reason for the creation of this Party is to challenge existing corruption and cronyism among the mainstream parties.
The Party's slogan is "A bottom-up approach to engage citizens."
The Party has been created to be:
- a political home of true freedom seekers, from where they have the chance to present themselves, and serve their citizens.
- a hub for independent thinkers to share constructive ideas, thoughts, challenges, and solutions to the issues that matter to their ridings.
- a medium for Party Candidates and Party MPPs to use to facilitate genuine representation of constituencies and issues that affect them, freely and with the consensus of the true majority.
- a centre for humanitarians who are willing to communicate issues in such a way as to assist with the laying out a blueprint for practical solutions, policies, and the Party's Action Plan for a better government to work with and for people.
- a place where the Party Candidate and the Party MPP is not beholden to Party Leaders and rigid "top down" party policies.
- a place where Party MPPs are distinguished from MPPs of other established parties, by having to work for their constituencies, and not for their parties.
The core reason for the creation of this Party is to challenge existing corruption and cronyism among the mainstream parties.
The representation of the Party defines the attitudes and behaviours that will be required of the Members to make the Party's vision a reality. The values of Canadians serve as a compass for actions of the Party and describe how its Members behave in Ontario. These values are seen by the Party as represented in the mnemonic "PLACID"
- Passion -  Canadian Sovereignty.
- Leadership -  Direct and Dynamic Democracy.
- Accountability -  Total Transparency.
- Collaboration -  True Representation.
- Integrity -  Honouring People.
- Diversity -  Left, Right and anything in between.
The Party's vision serves as the framework for our roadmap and guides every aspect of the Party by describing what needs to be accomplished in order to continue achieving sustainable and qualitative growth.
- Constituents -  Genuinely representing the electorate in Ontario, together we create a working and transparent government.
- Candidates -  Candidates have a great place to get inspired to be the best they can be, to work for Ontarians.
- Productivity -  We are a highly effective, and transparent Party.
- Investment -  We invest in training and directing a group of quality individuals who strive to help fulfill the desires and needs of Ontarians.
- Benefit -  Tax-payers in Ontario get quality of service and all benefit from overall good governance.
- Ontario -  Ontario has a responsible party that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities.
VISION STATEMENT The Canadians' Choice Party helps Ontarians live happier and healthier lives by focusing on the way that its Candidates and elected MPP's conduct themselves in regards to the protection of their constituents' interests, and provide the electorate with a direct link to Parliament.
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The Party's mission is to build a new and better political structure in Ontario which is enduring. It declares the purpose of the Party and serves as the standard against which the Party weighs its actions and decisions.
The Party's mission as it relates to:
- Goals -  The long-term goal is to grow the Party into a stable and effective entity, beginning by generating a reputation of providing value to Members, then having representatives elected as MPP's, and eventually forming the government.
- Objectives -  The short-term objective is to expand the Party quickly and inexpensively.
- Vision -  By educating the public about the importance of participation in the democratic process, such as voting, volunteering, becoming a Candidate, and even becoming an MPP, the Party generates enough presence and repeat supporters to provide stability.
MISSION STATEMENT To form a majority government in Ontario by providing the highest level of leadership, giving Ontarians peace of mind as they are properly and completely represented in Parliament.
The value proposition offered by the Party to those who want to run as or support candidates, is to provide timely and practical solutions for those individuals who are willing to bring their convictions into political campaigns, and to ease the administrative challenges of running for election to the Parliament of Ontario.
Although unanimous common ground among Candidates is not always expected, their "spirit" is the Party's prime focus, enabling them to share resources, ideas, and experiences, as well as Official Agents, Auditors, advertising, etc., under a common brand.
The objectives of the Party are:
- to make sure that a seat representing electors in Queen's Park is occupied by individuals who are ambassadors of their constituents, who protect the rights of people who have elected them, rather than their party.
- to develop guidelines and a strategic framework for developing a comprehensive plan for expanding and managing the Party.
- to provide true, transparent representation to the electorate in Ontario.
- to engage Ontarians in the democratic process.
The main activities required to achieve the above-mentioned objectives are:
- Fundraising - to raise sufficient funds to finance future growth and to provide the resources needed to achieve the other objectives of the Party and its Members.
- Membership - to grow the number of active participants at a rate that is both challenging and manageable, representing Ontarians with innovation and adaptability.
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The term "Action Plan" refers to items to which the government will apply its efforts, once the Party is in power. The purpose of the Party's Vision Statement, structure, and guidelines for its members, is to ensure that representatives of the Party represent their electorate. The Party does not dictate election platforms to Candidates.
When the Party forms a Government, then all its elected representatives bring the issues of their Electoral Districts up for discussion, and based on commonality, urgency etc., priorities will be given to the issues at hand. Only then, will the Action Plan of the government for that period of time be formulated. This roadmap will be based on the prioritized needs and wants of the people who elected their members.
The Action Plan of the Government will be based on input from those Candidates who represent their constituents under the flag of the Party. The first time that the Party convenes after forming a Government, the prioritization of items in the Action Plan will include complete consideration of platforms of all Party Candidates, whether they have won a seat in Parliament or not. This will be determined by a majority of the votes of the elected Party MPPs on any given issue after all Party MPPs have introduced the concerns and issues of their own ridings to this newly formed government. These issues and concerns will be examined and based on the number of electoral districts that have the same issues.
Governance of the Party shall emanate from its Trustee Council and its Candidates. To ensure accountability, the Party's Trustee Council shall adhere to the following objectives:
- Total transparency and clear communication;
- Genuine and complete representation;
- Development, improvement, and maintenance of the Party;
- Fundraising and financing within the framework of The Election Act of the Government of Ontario;
- Democratic representation of the membership at the General Assemblies of the Party;
- Encouragement of all Non-Voting Members to participate in the democratic process.
No person shall be considered for selection as a candidate for the Trustee Council unless that person has signed the following affirmation: "I have read, understand, and do hereby affirm my personal commitment to the principles and policies of the Canadians' Choice Party and the Constitution of the Canadians' Choice Party." Each member of The Trustee Council must be a member of the Party in good standing.
The following may not hold office as, nor be appointed to replace, an elected member of the Trustee Council:
- employees or contractors of the Party;
- employees or contractors of Senators or Members of Parliament;
- individuals holding a membership in another mainstream party.
The rules shall provide that no one may be elected to more than two consecutive terms of the same office and that the election shall be by way of a preferential ballot.
The Trustee Council meets frequently and as needed and its hierarchy and voting capabilities are as follows:
- the Founder, 1 vote, + 1 if he runs as a Candidate at election time, + 4 Contingency votes, + 1 if he has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the President, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Leader, 1 vote, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Chief Financial Officer, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time.
- the Director, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Fund Manager, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
All votes are recorded for reference. If a member does not cast his or her vote, another member cannot vote in his or her place, i.e. proxy voting is not permitted.
The Trustee Council is led by the Founder, and in his absence, by the President. Its main duty is to make sure that the Party Candidates and the Party MPPs fully and genuinely represent their constituents, protect the integrity of the Party, and the greater good of the nation.
The scope of the Trustee Council is to address, examine, discuss, evaluate, and vote on issues that affect the Party, as well as to implement final and approved recommendations of the General Assembly.
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- the establishment and recognition of Electoral District Associations and the terms of their constitutions, including processes for the conduct of founding meetings, and the transfer of assets in the event of redistribution;
- the development and implementation of By-Laws to ensure fair and effective Candidate recruitment and selection;
- the appointment of the Auditor of the Party;
- the establishment of such committees as The Trustee Council may determine for the conduct of its responsibilities;
- The enactment of By-Laws for matters set out in this Constitution to be provided by By-Law; and other responsibilities as set out in the Constitution or as may be assigned by the Founder, the President, or the Leader, respectively, for the conduct of its business.
- Any By-Law shall be circulated to all Electoral District Association presidents within 10 days of enactment by The Trustee Council and shall take effect on the date of enactment. The Trustee Council may propose a By-Law to a General Assembly, which, if approved by the Founder and a simple majority of voting, as set out in Annex I, will not be subject to subsequent review and repeal by the presidents of electoral district associations.
- The voting of the Trustee Council on motions shall be recorded by member, to indicate: (i) In favour; (ii) Against; (iii) Abstained; or (iv) Absent.
- The Trustee Council may remove a Trustee Council member whose conduct is judged improper or unbecoming, or likely to adversely affect the interest or reputation of the Trustee Council, or the Party, at a meeting called for that purpose, if approved by the Founder and a simple majority of voting, as set out in Annex I.
- The Trustee Council shall meet at least quarterly in every twelve (12) month period, at the call of the Founder, the President, or the Leader, respectively. It shall also meet upon written request of the Founder or at least four (4) Trustee Council members.
- The Trustee Council shall abide by the principles and policies of the Party and shall act in the interests of all members, not just the jurisdiction from which they were elected, and subject always to the provisions of the Constitution, and to motions passed at any General Assembly.
The Trustee Council shall appoint the chair and members of the leadership election organizing committee. The selection process, which includes a dispute resolution procedure, shall be final and binding.
The election of the Leader shall be by way of direct votes of the Voting Members in every electoral district, as follows:
- To win the leadership, a candidate must obtain a majority of votes as set out in Annex I.
- Preferential Voting is used to elect a new Leader.
- All results shall be made public.
In the event of any of the following, The Trustee Council shall implement the Leadership selection process at the earliest convenient date thereafter:
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
In the event of the implementation of the Leadership selection process, the following shall apply:
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
The General Assembly members and their voting rights are as follows:
- the Founder, 1 vote, + 1 if he runs as a Candidate at election time, + 4 Contingency votes, + 1 if he has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the President, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Leader, 1 vote, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Chief Financial Officer, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time.
- the Director, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Fund Manager, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time, + 1 if he or she has provided the monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Candidate, 1 vote, +1 if he or she has provided the minimum monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the MPP, 1 vote, +1 if he or she has provided the minimum monetary and/or non-monetary contribution required to earn a vote as outlined in Annex II.
- the Voting Member, 1 vote, +1 if he or she runs as a Candidate at election time.
The Trustee Council may convene a General Assembly upon reasonable notice to the membership.
The governance, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in the members at General Assemblies.
General Assemblies have the power and responsibility to:
- Determine the date, location(s), business to be transacted, and the By-Laws for any General Assembly of the Party.
- Amend the Constitution, amend and adopt Party policy; and elect The Trustee Council by secret or open ballot, depending on members' unanimous agreement.
There shall be a General Assembly with a The Trustee Council election, subject to such reasonable extension as may be necessary due to the conduct or threat of a general election in Ontario or the conduct of the leadership selection process.
The following shall be entitled to vote as delegates to a General Assembly:
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
To be carried, a resolution at a General Assembly must receive a majority vote as set out in Annex I.
Any voting member, except the Leader and Candidates, can earn an additional vote by nominating himself or herself as a Candidate in a General Election or a By-Election.
Membership in the Party is open to every citizen or permanent resident of Ontario who is eighteen (18) years of age or older.
The Trustee Council shall set By-Laws to provide reasonable assurance that the members ......, subject to ......... which may be set out in the Constitution, or by The Trustee Council ...
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
Every member who is in the "A" or "B" category is entitled to:
- attend any General Assembly;
- vote for, and stand for election at any meeting called by any General Assembly of the Party.
The Trustee Council may set out By-Laws for the revocation and reinstatement of membership.
In order for a member to exercise a right to vote as provided for in the Constitution, he or she must first provide identification using:
- one original piece of identification issued by a Canadian federal, provincial or territorial government agency containing the member's photograph, name and address, or
- two original pieces of identification, both of which contain the member's name, one of which contains the member's photograph and one of which contains the member's address.
Identification requirements shall be subject to the exercise of discretion by The Trustee Council or equivalent to waive specific requirements where exceptional circumstances warrant.
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
Between General Assemblies, the governance, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in The Trustee Council, and Canadians' Choice Fund, subject to general direction from accountability to and review by the members at General Assemblies.
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
- The Founder is the chief of the Party and the Trustee Council.
- The Founder shall exercise the powers and responsibilities of the Leader when no Member has the official designation of Leader.
- The Founder shall exercise the powers and responsibilities of the President when no Member has the official designation of President.
- The Founder's four additional contingency votes are discretionary.
- The Founder may run as a Candidate at his own discretion.
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- After the Founder of the party, the President is the most important figure in controlling appointments etc.
- To maintain a separation of powers, the President of the Party controls the party organization, the bureau, and its finances.
- he authority of the Leader of the Party includes that specified for the leader of a party pursuant to the Ontario Elections Act.
- The Leader shall promote the Party, its principles and policies.
- The Leader shall provide a report to, and carry out an accountability session with, the delegates at every General Assembly.
- The Leader must run as a Candidate in General Elections.
- The Leader shall provide a report to the Trustee Council frequently and whenever it is requested.
- The leader cannot be President. *Except The Founder!
- The Director is accountable for the encouragement and development of membership in the Party, and for the oversight of the Membership Program on behalf of and subject to the direction of the Trustee Council, and for reporting to the Trustee Council and General Assemblies.
- The director encourages the participation and recruitment of youth.
- The Founder, the President, or the Leader, respectively, the Director of the Party subject to ratification by The Trustee Council.
- The Chief Financial Officer's authority includes that specified for the Chief Financial Officer of a party pursuant to the Ontario Elections Act.
- The Fund Manager is responsible for developing strategies, monitoring progress, and recruiting sponsors, participants, or volunteers for fundraising programs and events for the Party.
The Trustee Council shall create the By-Laws for the selection of Candidates. The rules shall provide that only a person who seeks nomination as a Candidate automatically becomes a member of the Party. The Trustee Council has the right to disallow the candidacy of any person before or after nomination.
- Candidates must sign an agreement to be faithful to their constituents and not to cross the floor during their term if they are elected. Elected Members who leave the Party have to pay a hefty penalty to compensate for the problem and the bad name they have caused for the Party and their constituents.
- If requested by the Party's executive, Candidates must provide a Clear Criminal Record check, locally and/or nationally.
- Candidates must be mature, compassionate, and have a good grasp of the issues in the electoral district in which they apply to run.
- Candidates decide among themselves who runs in a specific riding when there are multiple applicants, with the consent of the other(s) in writing. In the absence of such an agreement, the Leader chooses a Candidate, while following by-laws that apply to Candidate selection, and that choice is not subject to challenge.
- The Party has the right to expel a Candidate or an Elected Member from the Party if there is a significant number of complaints from his/her constituents in proportion to its population, and the nature of the complaint.
- Candidates should demonstrate their compassion, empathy, understanding, and commitment to the electorate in the Electoral District in which they plan to run. These are the main criteria and have to be demonstrated through an interview with Party officials.
At a General Assembly, a policy resolution must receive a majority of votes cast by the Voting Members as set out in Annex I.
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The Constitution may be amended at a General Assembly by a majority of votes cast by the Voting Members, within such protocols and in such manner as set out in Annex I.
Any member may propose amendments to the By-Laws for consideration at a General Assembly:
- Any member with the right to vote may give notice in writing to the Trustee Council of an idea, or concern regarding the requirements of the Constitution, or any By-Law affecting the Party, Electoral District Association, or Members.
- The text of any proposed amendment must be received by the Trustee Council by a voting Member, or must have the supporting signatures of at least one hundred non-voting Party Members.
- The Trustee Council may appoint one or more Members to investigate the merits of ideas or concerns, and the Member(s) shall report findings and make recommendations to the Trustee Council.
- The Trustee Council may, in writing, introduce the recommendations as motions which will be put up for a vote on the Trustee Council or in the General Assembly, in accordance with the By-Laws.
- The Trustee Council shall draft amendments to the Constitution based on the result of their research and investigations, and submit the proposed amendments to a General Assembly for discussion, evaluation, and formulation of implementation methodology, after which it will be put to a vote by the Voting Members at a General Assembly.
- The decision of the General Assembly panel is final and binding, and subject to any specific directions from the General Assembly, and the Trustee Council is empowered to implement the decisions of that General Assembly panel.
- The Trustee Council includes in its roles the facilitation of the constitutional amendment process.
- Amendments to the Constitution that have been approved by the General Assembly are added to the newer version of the Constitution for approval by the Trustee Council, following Party practice of correcting any grammatical, typographical, numerical, syntax or translation errors that may exist in the text.
- The general By-Laws for the General Assembly and its panels shall be determined by the General Assembly, subject to ratification by the Trustee Council.
- The Trustee Council shall appoint the chair of the General Assembly. A Trustee Council member is not allowed to be the chair of the General Assembly, who shall be appointed for a term of office of at least six months.
Unless the context requires otherwise, words and phrases used in the Constitution have the same meaning as defined in The Election Act of the Government of Ontario, as amended from time to time.
To the extent that there is any conflict between any provision of the Constitution this Act or other applicable law, the law shall prevail.
Trustee Council shall provide By-Laws for the giving of any notice required under the Constitution.
The Constitution governs the affairs of the Party, and in the event of any conflict between the Constitution and any constitutional document of any Constituency Association, the Constitution shall prevail.
In interpreting the Constitution, any conflict between or any ambiguity in its terms shall be resolved by giving preference to the provision or interpretation which best reflects the Objectives, the Vision, and the Mission Statement set out in the Constitution.
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The Trustee Council is responsible for setting the By-Laws for the conduct of binding or non-binding petitions, polls, or referendums by open ballot, and shall determine the validity of their results.
A motion passed by the Trustee Council by the majorities as required as set out in Annex I, where notice of such a motion is given in advance in such manner set out by the By-Laws.
A petition, poll, or referendum may be initiated by a voting Member of the Party where notice of such a motion is given in advance of the meeting in such manner as set out in the By-Laws.
Recognition may be granted by The Trustee Council to one Electoral District Association in each provincial electoral district, and such recognition may be revoked, as set out in the By-Laws.
Electoral District Associations shall comply with Party By-Laws in their governance, financial management and reporting.
Voting within Electoral District Association can be done person in a meeting, or in writing by electronic and traditional mail, or fax.
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
An equal number not exceeding 10 from each Electoral District Association elected in such number and in such manner as determined by the Trustee Council which shall include a requirement that at least one such delegate reflect youth participation, and as an additional delegate the president of the electoral district
- association as of a date set by the Trustee Council;
- the official Candidate of the Party for each electoral district in the preceding provincial election, or the then current nominated Party Candidate for each such electoral district;
- the parliamentary caucus of the Party;
- elected members of The Trustee Council;
- former leaders of the Party.
The Canadians' Choice Fund is the fundraising arm of the Party and shall be under the supervision of the Chief Financial Officer of the Party pursuant to The Election Act of Ontario.
The Canadians' Choice Fund Manager shall submit up-to-date financial reports to the Chief Financial Officer at intervals to be determined.
The Canadians' Choice Fund shall submit the annual budget of the Party to The Trustee Council for consultation prior to adoption and implementation by the Canadians' Choice Fund, and shall consult with the Trustee Council prior to authorizing or implementing substantial amendments to the budget.
The Canadians' Choice Fund shall not provide funding for activities or programs within the areas of responsibility of The Trustee Council unless such activities or programs have been approved by The Trustee Council.
Electoral District Associations shall provide such financial information to Canadians' Choice Fund Canada as the Trustee Council may require.
The Trustee Council may authorize the Canadians' Choice Fund to take all necessary steps to assume control and ownership of all of the assets of an Electoral District Association in such special circumstances as may be set out in By-Laws, including the suspension or revocation of recognition of any Electoral District Association.
Assets assumed under these provisions shall be held by the Canadians' Choice Fund and shall be returned to or paid out to the next duly elected board of the Electoral District Association whose recognition has been renewed.
In the event that such Association ceases to exist or does not re-apply for renewal of recognition within a period of twelve (12) months from the assumption of the control of its assets, such assets shall become the property of the Canadians' Choice Fund.
Any Member committing the Canadians' Choice Fund or the Party to unauthorized expenditures or indebtedness shall save harmless and indemnify the Party against any claim, demand, action, debt or cause of action which may arise as a result of such unauthorized commitment.
The Founder, the President, the Leader, or the Director, respectively, shall nominate the managers of the Canadians' Choice Fund subject to ratification by The Trustee Council.
ANNEX I How To Become A Voting Member And the Ways to Earn Voting Rights:
There are three types of Members in the Party: Champions, Conjoint, and Primaries.
Steering Members:
There are a maximum of six (6) Steering Members: Founder, President, Leader, Chief Financial Officer, Fund Manager, and Director, who provide guidance and have the right to vote in all aspects of the Party's policy, objectives, management and all in all its overall operations.
There are a total of ten (10) votes allocated to this group. The Founder has four (4) additional votes that can be transferred at his discretion, for a total of Five (5) votes, and the other members in this group have one (1) vote each.
As long as the Party does not have anyone to take responsibility for any one or more of these positions, the voting right(s) for the vacant position(s) transfer(s) to the Founder, the President, or the Leader, respectively.
Voting Members:
There are two types of votes available to all Members: permanent and fluctuating. Permanent votes have a fixed number equal to the number of seats in Parliament, presently at 124.
The Candidates get votes equivalent to an equal share of the total number of seats in the House at a given time.
Any Member who is nominated as a Candidate for the Party in any Electoral District in Ontario earns one (1) vote for the period of the campaign in which he or she ran.
In the event of an Ontario General Election, the voting rights allocated to the Electoral Districts that have no Candidates will transfers to the Founder, the President, or the Leader, respectively.
As long as there is no Candidate for any one of these ridings, first the Founder, and if the Founder is not available, then the Leader, and if both are not available then the President has the right to cast 1 vote per unoccupied seat.
The Founder has the vacant votes if alive, healthy and active. If not available, he has the option of passing these votes to the Leader, or the President.
Fluctuating vote numbers are dependent on the participation of the Members in one of the following activities, which can earn a vote for a Member for each hat that he or she wears:
- Becoming an MPP,
- Working an accumulated 1,000 volunteer hours for the Party between two General Elections,
- Providing service or goods to the Party equal to the maximum annual contribution allowable by Elections Ontario between two General Elections, and/or
- Donating the maximum allowable annual monetary contribution allowable by Elections Ontario to the Party between two General Elections.
Fluctuating votes are good only for one period of time between elections. The Voting Members will not only vote in party activities but also when voting on the initial Action Plan (in the event that the Party forms the Government).
Voting Members have the right to vote on issues and policies of the Party.
A Member in this category can have multiple votes depending on the level of his or her devotion and commitment.
Voting status remains is valid from one general election day until and including the first general assembly of the following election. At this time voting rights are renewable under identical criteria to the previous.
Non-Voting Members:
Non-voting Members are those who can provide limited contributions, monetary or non-monetary, to the Party.
There are no membership fees and donations are voluntary, but receipted for income tax purposes.
Although Non-Voting Members do not have direct voting privileges in the General Assembly, they can influence Candidates or those who have the right to vote, such as their Candidates, to work for them and echo their voices in Party sessions.
In addition they have the right to choose one person by submitting the written consents of at least one hundred (100) Non-Voting Members of the Party in an Electoral District, to become their delegate and to participate in a General Assembly to cast one vote for that session.
ANNEX II How Votes Are Counted In The Trustee Council And The General Assembly:
Regardless of the type of session, whether the Trustee Council, the General Assembly, or a newly formed government, the following structure applies to pass a resolution:
- A motion will pass on the first vote if it receives 75% of the votes. Otherwise the motion goes for further debate.
- After re-examination, a motion that was not passed on the first vote will be put to a second vote. 65% of votes in the second vote are sufficient to pass the motion. Otherwise the motion goes for the third and final reading, after which the motion needs only 55% of the votes to be passed.
- Canadians' Choice Party is at its infancy stage and the Founder, Bahman Yazdanfar, has the right to direct the party until such time that majority of the voting rights are in place and the number of eligible members who have earned their voting rights exceeds the minimum majority of 90.
ANNEX III Organizational reporting charts:
Reporting organizational charts while the Founder is active.
Reporting organizational charts when the Founder has retired, has resigned, or is deceased.
ANNEX IV Voting examples for the purpose of illustration:
Currently, all the power is in the hands of the Founder, since the Party is relatively new, and he handles most of the needed functions of the Party as the Leader and the President. As the Party grows, however, this power will shift.
Let us say that 124 Candidates are nominated to run in all new 124 Electoral Districts in Ontario. This accounts for 124 Voting Members, one vote per Candidate,
with the exception of the Leader for, a total of: 123
Steering Members carry a total of ten votes as follows:
Let us assume that between two General Elections:
25 volunteers who have completed their 1,000 hours of accumulated work 25
15 Contributors who provided service/goods equal to the maximum annual allowable 15
10 Contributors who donate money maximum annual allowable 10
And let us say that 63 Candidates get elected and become MPPs 63
The total of the votes in this fictitious election are 247
That means in the first sessions of the General Assembly, after newly formed government by the Party, all issues, resolutions, priorities, and motions must have the following support, in order to determine the Action Plan of the governing Party.
First Vote at 75% of the total in this example 185
Second Vote at 65% of the total in this example 161
Third Vote at 55% of the total in this example 136
PLEASE NOTE: This part of the document has not been fully developed yet. We are in the process of revising and updating this section.
The following General Assembly sessions will be held by the following Members
Steering Members carry a total of ten votes as follows:
The total of the votes in this fictitious governing period are 73
The foregoing refers to the first time that the Party forms the Provincial Government. In subsequent sessions of the General Assembly, after campaign period, and during the newly formed government by the Party, all issues, priorities, resolutions and motions must have the following results, in order to determine the Action Plan of the Party.
First Vote at 75% of the total in this example 55
Second Vote at 65% of the total in this example 47
Third Vote at 55% of the total in this example 40
However, these numbers can be changed as soon as anyone meets the criteria needed to become a Voting Member.
Based on the foregoing, after such a Government is formed, we will examine, prioritize, discuss, and vote on how subsequent voting will work.
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